Non-Recurring Charges

Connection/Turn On$45
Connection/Turn On$60
Disconnection / Reconnection$60
Field Collection Charge$30
After Hours Service Charge$45
Late Payment Penalty0%
Meter Test Charge$25
Returned Check$25
Meter Relocation ChargeActual
New Meter$700

Water rates are based on usage. Below is a chart just to give you an idea of rates based on usage.

0-2,000 gallons$28.78 (Proposed new rate $28.94)
2,500 gallons$32.96
3,000 gallons$37.14 (Proposed new rate increase $0.00827)
4,000 gallons$45.51
5,000 gallons$53.87 (Proposed new rate $0.00763)
6,000 gallons$61.57
10,000 gallons$92.39

In accordance with the requirements of the Kentucky Public Service Commission (“PSC”) as
set out in 807 KAR 5:069, Section 3, notice is hereby given to the customers of the Western
Rockcastle Water Association (“Association”) of a change in water rates for users of the
Association’s water system. The changes in water rates are required by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, acting through Rural Development (“RD”) in connection with a
loan by RD to the Association in the principal amount of $582,000 to be evidenced by the
issuance by the Association of its promissory note in such amount, which RD has agreed to
purchase provided the Association meets certain conditions of RD, including revising the
water rates as set forth here. 2023/10/24 Proposed New Water Rates.